
阁下可以在线会员注册也可以选择下载申请表格,并在填写完毕并签章后,扫描为电子邮件发送至zhouye@shpea.com或快递至上海市仙霞路333号东方维京大厦6楼B1室。 未经申请机构同意,我们不会讲申请机构之信息透露予第三方机构。经本协会理事会的审核和批准后,我们会对申请机构的会员资格予以书面确认,感谢阁下对本协会的关注与支持。 |
1、会员年费: | |
人民币20,000(投资机构)/ 30,000(服务机构)(会员年费将随理事会决议进行调整) | |
会费支付信息: 开户行(Bank): 中国工商银行上海虹桥开发区支行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Shanghai Hong Qiao Development Zone Sub-branch 帐号(A/C): 1001242709300205309 |
2、申请表格: | |
(投资机构) 申请表下载 | |
(非投资机构) 申请表下载 | |
3、资料清单: | |
申请入会时,请提交以下资料予上海市国际股权投资基金协会(以下简称“协会”)。 如有相关材料无法提供或需要调整,请及时告知本协会。 Please submit the following documents to Shanghai Private Equity Association (the “Association”) for membership application. In case of failing to submit the requested documents or making adjustment to the document list upon applicant’s need, please notify the Association in a timely manner. 投资机构适用(股权投资/创业投资/直接投资等机构): Applicable for Investment Institution (PE/VC/Direct Investment Co etc.) ① 已填写并签章的《入会申请表》正本 The original copy of the Membership Application Form that is properly filled, signed and officially stamped by the applicant. ② 加盖公章的申请机构最新有效之营业执照或商业登记证书复印件 The officially stamped copy of the valid onshore Certificate of Business Registration or offshore Business Registration documents of the applicant ③ 申请机构之简介(包括但不限于成立日期、名称、大事记、主营业务、已完成的主 要项目) The applicant’s company profile (including but not limited to the date of foundation, company name, milestones, primary business scope, achievements) ④ 申请机构之管理层(不少于2人)介绍(包括但不限于管理层的姓名、职务、主要从 业经历、主要教育背景) The applicant’s management (no less than two persons) profile (including but not limited to the names of management, executive and functional titles, main professional experiences, primary background of education) 非投资机构适用(会计师/律师/咨询/资产评估/银行/资产托管/园区等服务机构) Applicable for Investment Institution (Auditing Firm/Law Firm/Consulting Firm/Asset Appraisal Firm/Bank/Asset Custodian/Hi-tech Park etc.) ① 已填写并签章的《入会申请表》正本 The original copy of the Membership Application Form that is properly filled, signed and officially stamped by the applicant. ② 加盖公章的申请机构最新有效之营业执照或商业登记证书复印件 The officially stamped copy of the valid onshore Certificate of Business Registration or offshore Business Registration documents of the applicant ③ 申请机构之简介(包括但不限于成立日期、名称、大事记、主营业务、已完成的主 要项目和主要客户) The applicant’s company profile (including but not limited to the date of foundation, company name, milestones, primary business scope, achievements and major clients) ④ 申请机构之管理层(不少于2人)介绍(包括但不限于管理层的姓名、职务、主要从 业经历、主要教育背景) The applicant’s management (no less than two persons) profile (including but not limited to the names of management, executive and functional titles, main professional experiences, primary background of education) |